FOOD Special Feature 1 – The New Era of Protein Resources A new option on the horizon? Koji mold as a meat alternative Along with cultured meat, which is produced by culturing meat ce......
FOOD Special Feature 1 – The New Era of Protein Resources Toward a solution to global food problems: Will crickets be the trump card? News that insects are coming under the spotlight as a new source......
FOOD Special Feature 1 – The New Era of Protein Resources Cellular aquaculture: High hopes for the seafood equivalent of cultured meat Recent years have seen progress in efforts to commercialize cult......
FOOD Special Feature 1 – The New Era of Protein Resources New methods of obtaining protein will transform conventional concepts Demand for meat is surging, against the background of economic d......
FOOD Special Feature 1 – Children’s Nutrition Revealed by big data! Japanese school lunches reduce obesity Japan is said to have low rates of adolescent obesity. One facto......
FOOD Special Feature 1 – Microorganisms and Sustainability Pursuing the “real” steak! Applying regenerative medicine to produce cultured meat Meat alternatives made from soybeans and the like are merely sub......